
Youth Driver Career Coaching & Support


We help young drivers and families with the pressure of the motorsport world.

We at YDCCS believe, that if the right support is given, the young driver’s mental health will improve and that their overall performance will be raised to another level. We focus not only on the driver, but the whole support system around them.

When you are just starting out it can be quite overwhelming. Suddenly you are travelling to races whether is nationally or internationally. You might still be in school, or you have already finished and now you are away a lot of the weekends.

We focus not only on the driver, but the whole support system around them.

What do you need to be the next champion?

What do you need to be the next champion?

We are here to help.

Feeling defeated or are you hungry for more? Take control of your emotions and accelerate your racing career!

Your team and family are spending a lot of time and money to support you and that also comes with certain expectations. We help you manage the pressure, and we focus on being a place where we motivate and support you.

We work together with your team and family to make sure all sides are aiming for the best support for you.

Do you struggle with fear of failure, stress, loss of enjoyment, online harassment, or any other struggles. We are there to stand by you and help you through it. We focus on the individual driver and are aware that everyone goes through things differently and we change our approach to your needs.

It is no secret that motorsport is as harsh as it is beautiful. What do you need to be the best driver possible? Together we will find those answers and help you to achieve your goals.

A selection of what we do best.

Mental Support2023-04-12T13:55:37+01:00

These days pressure is coming from multiple angles. Not only the team and parents but also social media and press. We help you manage the pressure and make sure your thoughts don’t get the best of you.

Expectation management2023-04-12T13:57:10+01:00

As a driver you will always want to reach the top. It’s healthy to have passion, at the same time it’s just as important to make sure you don’t want everything straight away. You can enjoy your journey, while working your way up to the top.

Boost your confidence2023-04-12T13:57:42+01:00

To be the next champion, you need to believe you can be. We help you focus on the positives and be confident as a person and driver. We focus on being a place where we motivate and support you.

The pressure of social media2023-04-12T13:58:24+01:00

The influence of the media is big in this sport. As soon as you start growing, so will the follower count, the media pressence at weekends and opinions from people who you have never met. It can be a boost to your career but at the same time it can be confronting to see people talk about you and have an opinion.

“I’ve spoken to several drivers and the support in the younger age groups have always been about drivability and the technical aspect. These days pressure is coming from multiple angles. Not only the team and parents but also social media and press.”

Chimène Batenburg, Youth Driver Career Coaching and Support

We can offer support in all single-seater championships and motorsport championships.

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